CDI-5400-20S Compressed Air Flow Meter (3 - 350 SCFM)


CDI Meters


Measurement range, 5400 model: 3 - 350 SCFM (calibrated), 350 - 600 (uncalibrated)

1 276,00 €

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With Display LED's
The Sensor measures: Compressed Air
Output Signal: Selectable 4 - 20mA or pulse
Cable Length: 1 meter
Power Supply: 250 mA @ 18 - 24 VDC
Sensor for use in: Indoor

The CDI-5400-20S is a flowmeter for compressed air systems.
It measures flow by maintaining one probe warmer than the other.
It calculates the mass velocity from the amount of heat required, and then calculates the flow on the basis of pipe area.
This model fits 2' steel pipes.

Analog or Pulse output, user selectable.
Requires analog port selection during U30 system configuration and use of a S-FS-CVIA when using the H22-001 logger.
When using a U12 logger, this sensor requires a 4-20mA input cable (CABLE-4-20mA).

  • This adds the ability for users to be able to measure compressed air flow (SCFM).
  • Easy to install
  • Digital display
The CDI-5400-20S Sensor is for use in Indoor environments

The CDI-5400-20S Sensor supports the following measurements : Compressed Air Flow
Power supply:
We supply each meter with a wall-plug DC supply for 110 V to 230 Volt AC main with a 1.5 meter cable plus a 4.2 m extension cable. Prongs for Euro-pean, UK and US outlets are provided, as appropriate. The meter may alternatively be hard wired to a 24-Volt dc supply. Eighteen Volt supplies furnished with some earlier CDI flowmeters must not be used.
Measurement range, 5200 model: 1 - 80 SCFM
Measurement range, 5400 model: 3 - 350 SCFM (calibrated), 350 - 600 (unclibeated)
Accuracy: (5200 model) 5% of reading plus 1% of full scale @ air temperatures 40 - 120F
Accuracy: (5400 model calibrated range) 5% of reading plus 1% of full scale @ air temperatures 40 - 1200F; (5400 model extended range) 7% of reading from rated fule scale to 150% of calibrated range, @ air temperatues 40 - 1200F
Medium: Compressed air, nitrogen
Operating pressure, 5200 model: 30 to 170 psig for best accuracy. 200 psig max on Sch 40 steel
Operating pressure, 5400 model: 200 psig max on Sch 40 steel
Input power: 250 mA @ 18 - 24 VDC
Output resistence: 400Ω max
Response time: 1 sec to 63% of final value
Output: selectable 4 - 20mA or pulse
Display: 4-digit LED
Ring material: Aluminum
Size / Weight, 5200 model: 3.2x2.2x1.6 in / approx. 1.2 lb
Size / Weight, 5400 model: 3.2x2.2x1.6 in / approx. 1.4 lb

Note: Recommended: 5200-DG (and 5400-S-DG) Drill Guide that facilitates accurately locating the holes that are needed to mount the flowmeter.

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