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Water resistant or waterproof if placed inside DS9107 iButton Capsule (Exceeds Water Resistant 3 ATM requirements)
Data Logger Thermochron iButton (requires DC9107 Capsule to measure at high temperatures). Water resistant or waterproof if placed inside DS9107 iButton Capsule (Exceeds Water Resistant 3 ATM requirements)
THE DATA LOGGER APPLICATIONS ARE: Seawater sterilization, Autoclave, Temperature monitoring, Monitoring temperature production of drinks and Scientific Research...
Includes protective capsule DS9107 THE DATA LOGGER APPLICATIONS: Seawater sterilization Autoclaves, Temperature monitoring, Monitoring temperature production of drinks and Scientific research...
Economic Data Logger Thermochron iButton
:DS1921Z Economic Data Logger iButton
iButton Data Logger for Relative Humidity & Temperature model Hygrochron (-20ºC to +85ºC & 0-100% HR)
The DS1921K kit includes a Thermochron iButton and a communications cable.
Grupo 1 The HOBO MX2204 TidbiT water temperature logger leverages the power of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to deliver high-accuracy temperature measurements straight to your iOS or Android mobile device. Designed for durability, this rugged waterproof logger is ideal for long-term deployments in streams, lakes, and oceans. Data collection in the field...
Onset’s HOBO MX100 is a low-cost, splash-proof data logger that measures and transmits temperature data wirelessly to mobile devices via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. BUYING IN BULK, OR JUST WANT SOME USEFUL ADVICE?Call +34 916292106 or complete our "More info about this Product" form
Grupo 1 The HOBO MX2203 TidbiT water temperature logger leverages the power of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to deliver high-accuracy temperature measurements straight to your iOS or Android mobile device. Designed for durability, this rugged waterproof logger is ideal for long-term deployments in streams, lakes, and oceans. Data collection in the field...
Data Logger for Hidrology Studies & Water Quality Monitoring.
Economic Data Logger for Temp & Light. Model UA-002-08 (8K) has been discontinued.
Economic single-use GDP conform temperature logger with automated PDF & CSV reports for smart logistics.
Data Logger for outdoor use with 2 x Temperature Channels. Onset Data Loggers Onset Computer Corporation
Data Logger HOBO Pro2 with external sensor for Temperature and Relative Humidity for Outdoor use.Applications: Agricultural Investigation and Environmental Research. Onset Data Loggers Onset Computer Corporation
Group 1 Data Recorder (Data Logger) HOBO thermo-hygrometer for measurement of temperature and relative humidity in the open.
Temperature and Relative Humidity Data Logger with special PVC protector for harsh environments.