Software SetTemp View larger

Software SetTemp




This software has been programmed to work in conjunction with Zplot and Solartron Impedance Analyzers for temperature control in furnaces.

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This application for Horn Control allows measurements of impedance and temperature automatically through Zplot software through its 'batch' and 'External Pause' (external pause) function.

This External Pause Settemp.exe run the program that enables management oven Eurotherm 2408 controller, allowing to reach the setpoint temperatures programmed by the user in the 'Main Window'.

The slogan of this parameter the first time Main Window appears blank to implement the measure 'batch'. This allows you to program the complete sequence of temperature sweeps from this window.

After reaching the programmed setpoint temperature, the program closes SetTemp and batch function Zplot understood that the external pause has ended.

That's when impedance measures planned in that line batch are made.

Upon completion Zplot measures, the next line of the function batch takes control again and again requested the external pause where Settemp.exe run again, this time reaching automatically the next scheduled setpoint temperature in SetTemp Main Window.

This sequence is repeated automatically until the last line has been executed batch or scheduled Settemp sequence has been completed.

Through the Main Window SetTemp values ​​are entered:

Initial temperature (the temperature at which it is to take the first reading from Zplot)

Final temperature (the temperature at which is to be taken from the last reading Zplot)

Increase (° C increase in temperature from the initial temperature setpoint to reach the final temperature)

Threshold (the threshold in +/- ° C in what is considered the target temperature is reached for the purpose of beginning the account of Stabilization Time)

Stabilization time (the time in seconds required to stabilize at each temperature setpoint)

With proper planning and coordination between SetTemp and Zplot and Batch / Pause function External program, we can run automatically and store measurements at different temperatures, automatically and unattended.

Settemp allows programming experiments from room temperature to 1200 ° C sequentially and automatically and quickly and safely.

They can change the values ​​of the PID parameters using the oven Eurotherm 2408 controller but always strictly maintaining the file format , only entering numeric values ​​as they appear by default. ( Do not add spaces or non-numeric values ​​as commas, or letters. Negative values ​​are not accepted ) .


     Temp.         Pb         Ti        Td    RelC    Lcb    Hcb


   0-100$     ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

  100-200$   ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

  200-300$   ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

  300-400$   ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

  400-500$   ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

  500-600$   ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

  600-700$   ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

  700-800$   ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

  800-900$   ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

  900-1000$  ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

1000-1100$ ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

1100-1200$ ,  600.0  ,  916  ,  152  ,  0.0  ,  0.0  ,  0.1

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