GTA-N Globotermometro -40 ÷ +60°C PT100


Nesa srl


Salida: RS485/ModBus

Descuentos por volumen

Cantidad Precio
1+ 399,00 € 0%
4+ 379,05 € 5%
10+ 359,10 € 10%

399,00 €

El Sensor mide: Temperatura

Sistema de medición con transductor termorresistencia Pt100 1 / 3DIN ( IEC 751 , DIN 43760 DS1904 ) entre -40 a +60°C Cumple con los requisitos de la norma ISO 7726 y 7243. Diámetro aproximadamente 150 mm.
Salida: Pt100 de 4 hilos.

Available options for this sensor: (see also section Sensors Accessories )

- MCS interface for having the sensor outputs in current, voltage or in digital format on RS485 and Modbus protocol.

- Cables terminated with PS2 connector or cap (specify) of different lengths.

- Connector IP68 Female for cable (to solder).

- Wall support SSM (only for certain models) or arms of different lengths for pole attachment.

- Certification ACCREDIA (see Certification).

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