Pirómetro de dos Partes para Objetivos de Alta Temperatura y Metales (100°C a 2000°C)
Modelos PT: 100°C a 400°C
Modelos MT: 250°C a 1000°C
Modelos HT: 450°C a 2000°C
Disponible el:
La serie PyroMini 2.2 es una gama de sensores de temperatura infrarroja en miniatura sin contacto de longitud de onda corta con módulos electrónicos independientes.
Todos los modelos utilizan una longitud de onda de medición corta para una mayor precisión y una tolerancia mejorada de obstrucciones ópticas o errores en el ajuste de emisividad que los sensores de longitud de onda larga.
La pantalla táctil opcional en el módulo electrónico proporciona indicación de temperatura, alarmas, configuración y registro de datos en la Tarjeta MicroSD.
Una opción de óptica está disponible para la medición precisa de objetivos pequeños o grandes a distancias cortas o largas, y hay una selección de 4-20 mA, RS485 Modbus y salidas de relé de alarma.
Data Logging Specifications
Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards
The PyroMini 2.2 series conforms to EMC Directive EN61326-1:2006 (Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – Industrial) as well as industrial standards for electromagnetic immunity and emissions.
PM180 Hub de 6-canales
6-channel touch screen hub for temperature display, alarms, configuration and data logging, compatible with PyroMini Modbus models, PyroMiniBus and PyroBus sensors. Isolated RS485 Modbus master and slave interfaces allow multiple hubs to be connected to a larger network. Optional modules provide analogue and relay outputs.
Collarín de Purga de Aire
The air purge collar is used to keep dust, fumes, moisture and other contaminants away from the lens. Air flows into the fitting on the side and out of the aperture at the front.
Escuadra de Montaje (fija)
The L-shaped fixed mounting bracket offers a rigid support for the sensor and allows fine rotational adjustment about one axis.
Escuadra de Montaje (Ajustable)
The adjustable mounting bracket consists of a fixed mounting bracket plus another L-shaped bracket. When assembled as shown, the adjustable mounting bracket offers a rigid support for the sensor and allows fine two-axis adjustment.
Escuadra de Alineación Laser
The Laser Sighting Tool screws onto the front of the sensor during installation and shows precisely where the sensor is aiming. Once the sensor has been aimed at the centre of the target and locked in position, the Laser Sighting Tool can be removed. The laser is operated via a latching push button on the front of the tool.
Escuadra de Alineación Laser (doble)
The Dual Laser Sighting Bracket is a sturdy mount for the sensor and provides continuous target sighting while measurements are being taken. Two parallel lasers indicate the centre of the measured spot and are controlled by a remote switch on the electronics module.
Ventana Protectora de Plástico
When fitted over the lens of the sensor, the protective plastic window in stainless steel holder provides mechanical protection and helps retain fragments of lens in case of damage. Adjust the sensor’s emissivity setting to compensate for the presence of the window for maximum accuracy. This accessory is ideal for the food and pharmaceutical industries.
Controladores PID e Indicadores
The 4-20 mA output of PyroMini 2.2 -CB and -CRT models may be connected to any of our indicating controllers for PIDcontrol.
Nueva óptica HCF para PyroMini
La óptica Close Focus ahora está disponible para los modelos PyroMini con el cabezal sensor "HA" para temperatura ambiente de 180 ° C.
Las nuevas ópticas HCF están enfocadas a un punto de 6,5 mm a una distancia de 60 mm.
Los sensores PM-HA-HCF están disponibles para ordenar ahora.
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